Require Density? Connectorization provides a dense solution, allowing outputs to come straight out of the panel, so that a 1RU panel truly takes only 1RU; no open space is required below the panel for cable routing.
Need to Streamline Your Install? Connector contacts use the same installation crimpers as standard lugs, and quickly plug into the power panel with a dual-locking retainer. Connectors can be dis-assembled and re-assembled in the field. Screw terminations are eliminated, making installation and upgrades very fast. Pre-assembled whips can be custom-ordered to allow even faster deployments.
Have a Variety of Capacity Requirements? Panels are available in high current input 8×8 circuit breaker or TPA fuses, mid-current TPA/circuit breaker/GMT combinations, and low current 10×10 GMT and 15×15 GMT variations.
Need Some Power Intel? Panels are available with standard alarming via output contacts or with nrgSMART per-circuit current monitoring.
Love the Simple Life? All panels have removable alarm cards for easy field servicing. All standard panels share a common alarm card and all nrgSMART panels share a common nrgSMART alarm card, making spare inventory simpler to manage.
This platform provides front access to alarm enable/disable switch configuration for uninstalled TPA fuse locations. Also featured are front LED indicators for power/fuse alarms, monitoring status, rear connections for form C relay alarms, and optional nrgSMART connections. Each of the 250A feeds provides power for up to eight output positions. The panel includes removable 1RU TPA fuse holders. These 1RU TPA fuse holders feature an ergonomic front grip for easy removal, sliding top cover to protect the fuse from above, and red alarm plunger to indicate a failed fuse. Field replaceable TPA fuses are available from 5A to 50A per position. The panel supports universal voltages (±12VDC to ±48VDC).
Primary Benefits
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